“After two years of success and growth, we are proud to announce the recent certification of GEO Nova Scotia as a not-for-profit society and our inaugural Board of Directors,” said Matt Spurway, GEO Nova Scotia founder and Executive Director.
GEO Nova Scotia began in April 2020 as a small, community-led initiative in Dartmouth North in response to the pandemic and the isolation experienced by people who don’t have what they need to be online.
Last year the initiative expanded across the province, establishing a network of 70 partners, connecting over 350 low-income households with high-speed internet, and distributing more than 600 new computers.
“The GEO Nova Scotia Board of Directors is dedicated to Digital Inclusion for all Nova Scotians, achieved through partnership and cooperation across sectors and across the province,” said Board Chair Sandra McKenzie. “We are all excited to help this innovative approach reach everyone who needs help to get online.”
GEO Nova Scotia is founded on principles of inclusion and respect. We are currently looking for additional perspectives to join the Board of Directors and the GEO Nova Scotia Insight Team. For more information, contact Executive Director Matt Spurway matt@geonovascotia.ca
GEO Nova Scotia Board of Directors:
Sandra McKenzie, Chair
Karn Nichols, Vice-Chair
Tim Sullivan, Treasurer/ Secretary
Shanisha Grant
Robert Patzelt
Lynne McCarron
Jodene Dunleavy, ex-officio
Click here to learn more about the GEO Nova Scotia Board of Directors.